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Profit Genius Book

In Ciara Stockeland's forthcoming book, you'll learn why keeping cash is better than making money. The special preorder price includes a ticket to the LIVE Profit Genius Challenge and the Companion Workbook. But act fast! The preorder option is only available until September 18th!

Available versions: ebook, hard copy (US only)

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Inventory Genius Book

In Ciara Stockeland's first book, you'll learn to use your inventory to create more profit and keep more cash. Over eleven chapters, Ciara unpacks how focusing on the right things will bring you the peace of mind and profitability you've been searching for.

Available versions: ebook, audiobook, hard copy (US only)

Companion workbook available as add on during checkout.

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The 21 Day Simple Approach

Are you ready to simplify your business? The 21 Day Simple Approach ebook gives you bite-sized, actionable steps you can implement TODAY to help you build a profitable business.

Available versions: ebook

Ebook includes a variety of workbook pages throughout.

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