An eBook for Inventory Based Business Owners

boutique business boutique business tools boutique ownership education coaching ebook goal setting growth inventory product-based business profit first retail Jan 06, 2023
Cover of Ciara's Stockeland's ebook, Inventory Genius, displayed on an iPad; text "Coming soon! An eBook written specifically for inventory based business owners from Ciara Stockeland".

I'm so excited to announce my forthcoming eBook, "Inventory Genius: Create More Profit and Keep More Cash".

This is a guide I've created specifically for inventory-based business owners, and I want you to be one of the first to know when it's ready and available for download.

Join the waitlist here.

I know you're willing to do the work. But is it the right work?

In the book, I'll unpack how focusing on the right things in your inventory based business will bring you the peace of mind and profitability you've been searching for.

I've got a simple way of breaking down how your inventory plays a key role in your financial success. 

Inventory Genius will give you bite-sized, actionable steps you can take and implement in your business today.

Be sure you're one of the first to know once it's available.

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Weekly bite-sized advice from Ciara Stockeland.