Ciara Featured on Profit for Coaches

boutique business boutique ownership education coaching ecommerce goal setting podcast feature Feb 23, 2023
Ciara Stockeland at counter of inventory based business; in foreground image of Jos Willard with text

Ciara recently sat down with Jos Willard on his podcast, Profit for Coaches. During their conversation, they discuss Ciara's Ironman experience and how coaching helped her achieve her goal. Ciara explains how this mentality can (and should!) be applied to accomplishing other goals we have in life.

Ciara believes business owners have to get to a point where they really want to win in their business. When they understand what that requires, it's so important to hire an expert that will show and teach them the path to winning. 

Head over to Jos' podcast to hear the full episode.

Interested in learning more about working with Ciara? Book a 1:1 call with her here.



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